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Mary Ann Warren

Mary-Ann Warren has been working with dogs for over 35 years in various forms. She has trained her own dogs in protection, upland bird hunting, obedience, and search. Since the early 80's, she has trained individuals in obedience and in the early nineties started instructing in tracking followed soon after with training search dogs teams.

Among a few of her accomplishments:

Awarded the 25 years medal by Search & Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada

* Online training for SAR K9 Armenia, Country of Armenia

*Train the K9 trainer course for the Malta Civil Department K9 Section

*Instructing the  Country of Malta Civil Department K9 Section in Disaster K9

*2017, Qualified Expert court witness for human remains detection training and handling in the state of Tennessee.

*Awarded the Alberta Emergency Services medal given by *Office of the Fire Commissionaire SAR Liaison Mike Cook for over 22 years of service.

*First female civilian to pass the RCMP civilian tracking dog certification in Alberta.

*First female civilian to be invited to work with the Canadian HUSAR Task Force II team based out of Calgary.

*Since 1994, Volunteer Search Dog Handler.

*Since 1999, volunteers as the Training Director with the Search & Rescue Dog Association of Alberta® (SARDAA).

*For many years sat on the Provincial SAR Alberta Board and Executive Committee.

*Developed progressive training methods for SAR dog handlers.

*Published Author 'Bark Alert©' Basic Search Dog and Basic Human Remains Detection Dog, Bark Alert Continued Education and Bark Alert Human Remains Detection Dog -Early Development workbooks.

*Developed realistic training for the pet owner.

Awarded the Alberta Emergency Service Medal given by Edmonton Police Service Chief Mike Boyd for over 12 years of service

*International Trainer/SAR dog Evaluator/Speaker/Author



What method do I use for dog training?

I can't explain in words how many different styles of dog training that I know and use. I have been teaching for 40 years. I have had to teach myself most of what I know. There was no dog instructor schools when I started. I don't know if you can be taught everything one needs to know about instructing, behavior's and problem solving in a 6 week course. I learned right from the start of my career that, not one method works with every dog, dogs are individuals.

With that said, I do use many different training methods based on 

the individual dog and owner.

From capturing, molding to luring, I will use what ever the handler can understand and get the most from to help them
with their dog.

If you are asking if I train only the purely positive way the answer is I use methods that will work for the individual dog. If they respond better to only food and redirection then that is what I use.

 I will use what is going to help the dog and its owners not what society pressures me on how to train.

Most dogs
that come to me for training are never

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